Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions Swimming Lessons


  • Sensitive and Progressive lessons
  • Swim Club and Lifesaving pathways
  • Parent/Carer viewing area
  • Changing village
  • Warm and clean water



Our swim school operates a term time course schedule. We offer 6 courses each year based on the half terms of around 5/7 weeks. We also offer crash courses during the school holidays.

We give preference to existing customers for re-enrolment. All booking is confirmed only following payment. 

We do not allow lesson swaps as each class dynamic is unique and it is disruptive to ongoing classes to allow guests. However, we will work with swimmers to find new times if you would like to move a class time to a different day and time permanently.

For every term you will receive email confirmation of the booking and a receipt for your payment. 

By booking you accept these terms and conditions in full.

Your statutory rights are not affected. 


Taking Payment:

We do not accept cash or cheque payment but offer electronic payment options via our online booking system and at the pool. You can pay by bank card or your mobile phone. 

We no longer accept bank transfer or GoCardless payments due to complications reconciling payments to customers. 


Refunds and cancellations:

You have the right to cancel lessons within the first 14 days of enrolling with us. Should you do so we reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £10 plus the cost of any classes that have been attended in those 14 days. After the 14 day cooling off period the course fees are non-refundable. 

If we have to rearrange your lesson we will provide a lesson credit for the next term or offer an additional class at the end of the term. If we are unable to operate due to a public health issue then we will pause your current term and resume it once we are able to restart our operations. 


Adverse weather

We are under no obligation to refund lessons that may be missed due to local adverse weather when the venue and environs are safe and accessible, and lessons are held. 


Video and photography

The use of any modern equipment to take photos or videos of lessons is not generally permitted for the benefit and comfort of other users in the class. However, if you would like a photo of your swimmer you can seek permission from the duty manager and we can arrange a suitable photo. We also plan to organise photo and video sessions during the holiday periods. These will be bookable via our online system.


Valuables and jewellery

All property left in changing rooms or lockers is left at your own risk. We cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions. Please remove all jewellery before entering the water. 


Medical conditions 


Please help us support you by declaring any relevant medical conditions, this will help us adapt and support you where necessary. All information will be kept strictly confidential.



Should your child or the adult taking your child into the water have, or develop, any known or suspected medical condition, please consult your doctor before swimming. You must then inform us in writing via email. In the event that your illness is contagious and may affect other swimmers, we may share basic information about this risk with other carers. All information received is treated in confidence and with sensitivity. Never bring your child swimming if they have any illness such as an ear infection, diarrhoea, vomiting, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis, or a bad cold. Please wait until your doctor has given the all-clear before returning to classes. Please ensure that any sickness/diarrhoea symptoms have completely cleared for at least 48 hours before your lesson; or 14 days if a gastrointestinal bug has been diagnosed by a medical professional. Our teachers may refuse entry to the pool if they reasonably believe that your child is not well enough to participate. In the event of a broken limb or hospitalisation and surgery we will work with swimmers and parents to support a return to lessons. 


Parent, baby and tot classes

All babies and toddlers up to the age of 3 must wear our double nappy system: either reusable cotton nappy or a disposable paper swim nappy with a Happy Nappy. Baby changing facilities are provided but please follow the instructions on the equipment provided to ensure that the baby is safe. We do not accept responsibility for any accident or injury caused by the misuse of this equipment. 


Withdrawal of service 

We may, at our own discretion, refuse a client entry to swim courses if it is felt that the client’s behaviour or the behaviour of those associated with the client is unreasonable or becomes an issue of health and safety.


Pool Rules

Please see our general pool rules. Any breach of these rules may lead to withdrawal of service. 



We always aim to use the same teacher for each class, we pride ourselves on the team and consistency of teaching. However, teachers may have to miss lessons for a number of personal or professional reasons and we will substitute a different team member for this class on those occasions. 


Exclusion of liability

Except in the case of death or personal injury arising as a result of negligence, lack of due diligence, breach of duty, or any other circumstance where liability cannot be excluded by law, your participation, or that of your spouse/partner, your child, or those in whose care you have placed your child at our swimming sessions is done so entirely at your and their own risk.



We are committed to following best practice guidelines and follow the STA guidance. All staff receive regular safeguarding training. If you would like to raise a concern regarding child welfare please contact 07794 677102 to speak with our Managing Director Russell Sparks who is the nominated safeguarding officer. Anyone looking for help can also call Childline on 0800 1111


Car Parking

Car parking is provided free of charge, we accept no liability for any loss or damage due to other users and cars are left at owners risk.


Variation of term and conditions

We will update these terms and conditions to ensure that you are protected and that they comply with all relevant regulations and guidance. If we make a change we will email you and notify you of the variation. If you do not contact us within 14 days to notify us that you don’t accept the changes we will assume you have accepted the updated version. 


Policy Approved: 18/7/2021 Review Date: 18/7/2022 Version 21.1RS